Frequently Asked Questions about Caribou
This information is based on research listed in the partial bibliography of scientific research pertaining to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
We would like to thank the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for the FAQ information.
If you would like to see the caribou in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Backcountry Safaris offers guided trips to the refuge.
Caribou Migration
- Why are some Porcupine Caribou herd calves born in Canada or the mountains?
- Why do caribou migrate?
- What happens to the young when caribou migrate?
- How far do caribou migrate?
- Will caribou cross barriers when they migrate?
- Will oil development change migration patterns?
- Do caribou migrate the same distance each year?
- Do caribou migrate for weather or food?
- How many caribou die crossing rivers?
Caribou Biology
- Do caribou stand around and let wolves eat them?
- Where are Caribou found?
- Why are the caribou in Idaho and Montana endangered?
- What is the largest herd of caribou?
- What is the size of caribou?
- How long do caribou keep their antlers?
- How does caribou meat compare with beef?
- Can you get close to a herd of caribou?
- What keeps caribou populations in equilibrium?
- How long do caribou live?
- Are orphan caribou calves adopted?
- What are caribous' natural predators?
- Do female caribou pick males with large antlers to breed with?
- Are caribou and elk related?
- Are caribou and reindeer related?
- How do Wildlife Refuges protect caribou?
- How can caribou travel in the cold and on ice?
- How big does a refuge need to be for 100 caribou?
- Do mosquitoes play a role in caribou behavior?
- Are calving grounds essential for caribou survival?
- What might happen if development occurred on a caribou calving area?
- How many caribou are at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?
Caribou Migration
1. Why are some Porcupine Caribou herd calves born in Canada or the mountains? Top
In spring the Porcupine caribou herd migrates hundreds of miles from winter ranges located south of the Brooks Range in Alaska, and from areas in Yukon Territory, to its traditional calving grounds on the Arctic Refuge's coastal plain and foothills. In years when there's deep snow on the winter range and along the migration routes, and when the spring snow melt is delayed by cold temperatures, caribou cows are delayed in reaching these preferred calving grounds. When this happens, the calves are born along the migration routes and on calving habitats in Canada. This happened in 1987, 2000 and 2001.
Sometimes caribou are not delayed during the spring migration, but when they arrive at the edge of the foothills they find it is still covered by snow because cold temperatures have delayed snow-melt. In this case, the cow caribou give birth in snow free or partially snow free areas to the south, near or in the northern mountain valleys. This happened in 1988. In 1987, 1988, 2000 and 2001, nearly all of the herd continued north toward the traditional calving grounds after the young calves were able to travel with their mothers. After calving, the cows and calves are joined by the bulls and yearlings. Almost every year, no matter where calving occurs, the caribou then gather on the Refuge's coastal plain and foothills to feed on the abundant vegetation. The caribou later move to nearby coastal areas to escape from harassing insects.
Variation in snow melt patterns and the timing and location of plant growth on the calving grounds determine where the cows choose to have their calves each year. Although there are some years when Porcupine Caribou herd cows have their calves outside the traditional area, long-term data show that most Porcupine Caribou herd calves are born within the foothills and coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
2. Why do caribou migrate? Top
Some animals stay in one area their entire life. Others, like caribou, migrate on long journeys. Caribou migrate between summer and winter ranges. Their summer range provides nutritious food that helps the new calves and the other caribou grow healthy and fat before winter. But the summer range is a harsh and windy place during winter, so the caribou move to a winter range where conditions (weather, food, snow cover) are more agreeable.
3. What happens to the young when caribou migrate? Top
Soon after birth, the caribou calf and its mother develop a strong bond. They try to stay close to each other, and they can recognize each other by smell and by the sounds they make. This is important because the caribou calves are fast runners within hours of their birth. When caribou migrate, the calves run with their mothers. If they become separated, the mother searches for many hours to find her calf.
4. How far do caribou migrate? Top
Caribou herds migrate different distances. Large herds are more apt to migrate long distances, while smaller herds often migrate shorter distances. For example, the Porcupine caribou herd, which contains about 123,000 animals, migrates between summer and winter ranges that are about 400 miles apart. The Central Arctic herd, which contains about 27,000 animals, migrates between summer and winter ranges that are about 120 miles apart.
Biologists have discovered, by using satellites to track caribou, that the herds actually travel much farther than the straight-line distance between summer and winter ranges would indicate. They move to and fro over a wide area, adding many miles to their journeys. Porcupine Caribou herd animals, for example, have been observed to travel over 3000 miles per year.
5. Will caribou cross barriers when they migrate? Top
It is quite common to find situations where caribou are reluctant to cross roads, berms, pipelines and other related obstacles. Being terrestrial migrators, caribou must deal with what ever is placed on the land by human development (birds are able to fly over most human structures and continue their migratory habits). Researchers have learned* there are many factors (traffic levels, time of year, degree of visual obstruction, reproductive status, etc.) which can influence caribou reactions to roads and other potential obstacles, and thus their chances of crossing successfully. Caribou need to move freely over vast areas to forage, avoid predators, escape from harassing insects, and reach favorable summer and winter ranges.
Structures such as highways may deflect caribou movements, and reduce their chances for survival. A single road within a caribou herd's range usually is not as serious as a system of many roads. In some instances, roads and pipelines can be constructed in ways that reduce problems for caribou. For example, a ramp may be build to direct caribou over a road, and a pipeline may have buried sections for caribou to pass over. These modifications can help, but do not always work.
6. Will oil development change migration patterns? Top
The effect that oil development may have on caribou migrations depends on many things, such as the location of the development in relation to migration paths, the density of the buildings, pipes, and roads, as well as the time of year that caribou are in the development area. For example, caribou are most sensitive at calving time, and studies have shown that caribou may be displaced from their traditional calving grounds when oil development occurs there.
7. Do caribou migrate the same distance each year? Top
Based on several years' observation of satellite-collared animals of the Porcupine Caribou herd, caribou do not migrate the same distance each year. This is because they often use different portions of their winter range from year to year. (By using this strategy, caribou are able to eat winter food over a wide area, which reduces the possibility of eating up all the available food in any one area.) There are different migration routes leading from the various portions of winter range, so caribou migrate different distances each year.
8. Do caribou migrate for weather or food? Top
Certain weather conditions, such as the first severe storm in the fall, stimulate caribou to migrate toward their winter ranges. After the calves are born in the spring, all the caribou in the herd come together on the summer range. For large herds such as the Porcupine Caribou herd in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the caribou must keep moving so they don't eat all the available food.

9. How many caribou die crossing rivers? Top
We can't tell you how many die while crossing rivers. Many of these places are very remote, and nobody is there to watch what happens to the caribou. We do know, however, that caribou have been encountering rivers for many thousands of years, and yet the herds survive.
Caribou have many strategies that help them cross rivers. They (including the calves) are excellent swimmers, and their hollow winter hair helps them float high in the water. Caribou do not always plunge blindly into rivers: sometimes they scout out safer crossing areas or wait for better crossing conditions. We've observed migrating pregnant females decide not to cross a raging river, but instead, give birth before crossing.
Caribou Biology
1. Do caribou stand around and let wolves eat them? Top
It sometimes may look like caribou are ignoring predators such as wolves or bears. Unless they are incapacitated, however, they will run from a predator who gets too close to them.
There are two characteristics of caribou that may make them appear to show less than the expected amount of fear toward a predator:
- Caribou may come up and investigate something they aren't sure about.
- Caribou do not want to spend any more energy than they have to. They know what's a safe distance from a predator, and they can tell by watching how a wolf or bear is behaving whether the predator is a threat. So it is very possible to see a bear or wolf pass through a herd of caribou. While the predator ambles along, the caribou do not run away, but continue to feed or walk. When the predator begins running toward a group or an individual animal, then those caribou run away.
When caribou are not alarmed, they walk quite slowly, extending the head forward and downward. When alarmed, caribou perform a special behavior to warn other caribou of danger. They'll do this if a predator gets too close, but isn't about to catch them (or after they figure out that you're a person sitting on a rock). An alarmed caribou will trot with the head held high and parallel to the ground, and the short, normally floppy tail held up in the air. They gallop very quickly when being chased closely by a predator.
2. Where are Caribou found? Top
Caribou are found in Alaska and Canada. Caribou used to live in Maine and the northern Great Lakes states, but they are no longer found in those areas. A small, endangered woodland caribou herd exists in northern Idaho and northwest Montana.
An unusual situation exists at South Georgia, an island near Antarctica, where reindeer from Norway were introduced in the early 1900's. Because of the opposite seasons in the southern hemisphere, these animals had to change the timing of breeding and calving by a half year.
3. Why are the caribou in Idaho and Montana endangered? Top
The woodland caribou in that region live in old growth forests. They do not migrate very far between their summer and winter ranges (less than 40 miles, in some cases), but they are very sensitive to human disturbance and to forest loss. Woodland caribou do poorly when forests are fragmented into small areas by roads or by logging operations. As human activities increase, woodland caribou, and other animals sensitive to disturbance, have disappeared. Only a few areas in the United States still support woodland caribou, and the animals are endangered in these areas.
4. What is the largest herd of caribou? Top
There are currently three very large herds of caribou, the Western Arctic herd in northwest Alaska, the George River herd in northern Quebec, and the Taimyr Peninsula herd in Siberia. Each herd is currently estimated at close to 500,000 or more individuals. Due to different census techniques and schedules, as well as annual fluctuations in populations, it is not possible to say which of these three herds is currently the largest.
5. What is the size of caribou? Top
Adult caribou range in size from 3 to 4 feet tall. Their size and weight varies by sex and region. For example, caribou are fairly small in northern Alaska. Males average about 275 to 375 pounds, females about 200 pounds. In southern Alaska, caribou are considerably larger -- males average 400 to 600 pounds and females average 200 to 300 pounds.
6. How long do caribou keep their antlers? Top
Caribou are the only deer in which both sexes have antlers. Males shed their antlers following the fall breeding season (young males retain their antlers longer that mature males). Pregnant females shed their antlers soon after the calves are born in the spring. Non-pregnant females shed their antlers during the winter.
7. How does caribou meat compare with beef? Top
Caribou do not store much of their fat in muscle tissue, so their meat is leaner than beef which often is "marbled" with fat. Caribou meat is considered more healthy than beef, and is quite tasty.
8. Can you get close to a herd of caribou? Top
Caribou commonly gather in large herds about three weeks after the calves are born. At this time the great herds increase their rate of movement, and caribou tend to be less wary when they are in very large groups.

9. What keeps caribou populations in equilibrium? Top
When factors having negative effects on caribou productivity and survival occur more frequently (more bad years than good years), populations decline. Caribou populations increase when the opposite occurs. If positive and negative effects are balanced, caribou populations remain stable.
Usually a combination of factors cause caribou numbers to change. Harsh weather can reduce plant growth, which causes poor caribou nutrition, and reduced survival. Some years, insect harassment interferes with caribou foraging, which also decreases survival. If it rains during the winter, ice can prevent caribou from getting their food. They may starve when this happens.
Wolf populations in caribou winter ranges can increase in response to higher levels of other prey such as moose. When caribou return to the winter range they are preyed on more heavily by the increased number of wolves. On the other hand, when arctic foxes reach a high in their population cycle, they sometimes spread rabies to neighboring wolves. This results in reduced wolf predation on caribou.
10. How long do caribou live? Top
Male caribou live about seven to eight years. Females live slightly longer, to 10 or more years. These are very general numbers. Every animal faces its own set of situations that lead to a shorter or longer life. If a caribou lives in a herd that is declining, it probably will have a shorter life than a caribou in a healthy or expanding herd. Also, many caribou die within the first year after they are born, so never reach adult age.
11. Are orphan caribou calves "adopted"? Top
Orphan caribou calves are not adopted by other caribou mothers. If the mother dies, or the calf becomes permanently separated from its mother, the calf will not survive.
12. What are caribous' natural predators? Top
Several species are known to prey on caribou. Wolves prey on caribou throughout the year, but most frequently in the winter. Bears prey on caribou during spring, summer and fall. Golden eagles take young calves during the early summer, and lynx are able to kill calves in the fall when caribou migrate into forested areas. When snow is deep, wolverines are sometimes able to kill caribou. Humans have hunted caribou for many thousands of years.
13. Do female caribou pick males with large antlers to breed with? Top
The female doesn't actually pick males with large antlers, but the females do often end up breeding with males that have large antlers. This is because the mature males (those with the largest antlers) work hard to keep younger males (with smaller antlers) away from the females during breeding time.
The males with the largest antlers are in the best health, and they have been good at finding food all their lives (so their bodies can grow these large antlers). When these animals do most of the breeding, their genes are passed on to new generations, and this ensures that the herd remains healthy.
14. Are caribou and elk related? Top
Both caribou and elk are hoofed mammals of the deer family. Caribou (males weigh about 500 pounds) are generally smaller than elk (males weigh about 700 pounds). Caribou often occur in large herds which migrate over long distances. Elk generally occur in smaller herds, and migrate over relatively short distances. They usually migrate between summer ranges at higher elevations, and winter ranges in mountain valleys.
15. Are caribou and reindeer related? Top
Caribou and reindeer are the same species (Rangifer tarandus). Reindeer are a domesticated variety of caribou that are herded by humans and used for pulling sleds. Most reindeer occur in Scandinavia and Siberia. They generally are smaller and have shorter legs than their wild relatives. In Siberia, caribou are referred to as "wild" reindeer.
A number of reindeer have been imported to Alaska, primarily to the Seward Peninsula. These herds are owned by Alaska Natives.
16. How do Wildlife Refuges protect caribou? Top
In the U.S., the National Wildlife Refuge System preserves a national network of lands and waters for the conservation and management of fish, wildlife and plants for the benefit of present and future generations. There are currently over 500 different wildlife refuges. Refuge lands are legally protected from activities and developments which are harmful to wildlife or their habitat. Human activities which are compatible with refuge purposes are allowed on wildlife refuges. In Alaska, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge protects the primary calving grounds and some of the wintering areas of the Porcupine caribou herd, one of the major caribou herds in North America.
17. How can caribou travel in the cold and on ice? Top
Caribou are well equipped to survive in cold, snowy places. In winter, their hair is about three inches long. This winter hair is hollow inside, to trap air and keep warmth near their bodies. This hollow hair also helps the caribou to cross rivers and lakes after spring thaws, because it acts like a life jacket full of air, and helps them to float.
Caribou have four hoofed "toes" on each foot. They usually walk on the two larger ones, like a cow does. When they are in snow, however, these four "toes" spread out wide to act like snow-shoes, which help the caribou walk on deep snow.
Caribou can walk on bumpy ice without slipping, but if they get onto shiny, smooth ice, their hooves slide out from under them and they may fall. Sometimes they even break their legs this way.
18. How big does a refuge need to be for 100 caribou? Top
The answer depends on whether the caribou are wild, or if they are captive animals being cared for by people.
Wild caribou need areas that are large enough for them to find food and shelter, and avoid predators during every month of the year. If summer food is far from safe winter areas, they need a very large area. For example, the Porcupine caribou herd now has about 123,000 animals and travels over about 96,000 square miles of land. Captive animals do not need room to run away from predators, and they don't have to find their own food. If people keep caribou pens clean, the animals can live in quite small areas, just as a horse can.
19. Do mosquitoes play a role in caribou behavior? Top
Mosquitoes do play an important role in caribou behavior. Mosquitoes appear in early summer, just as the caribou are shedding their long winter hair. The insects can easily draw blood from the caribou at this time, and seriously torment the animals. The problem is worst when the weather is warm, winds are calm, and the caribou are in damp tundra areas where the mosquitoes breed. Caribou try to avoid mosquitoes by a variety of strategies, depending on where they live: they run; move to higher areas that may be windy and dry; move to snow or ice patches that are too cool for the insects to be active; move out into large lakes or shallow salt water; and/or bunch up into very dense groups.
The running, blood loss, and inability to spend time eating cause caribou to lose weight during a time of year when they need to be getting fat for the coming winter. Mosquitoes are therefore a major influence in the lives of caribou.
20. Are calving grounds essential for caribou survival? Top
Yes. Each spring, pregnant female caribou begin long migrations towards their traditional calving grounds. Their instinct to reach these areas is very strong, and enables them to travel through deep snow and storms, and to cross rivers flooding with icebergs to reach the calving grounds at just the right time. Soon after they arrive on the calving grounds, the calves are born. Studies have shown that predators are less abundant on the calving grounds, so the young calves are safer at a time when they are too weak to escape from wolves and bears. The preferred calving grounds also have an abundance of highly nutritious new plant growth* which enables the mother caribou to produce rich milk for their calves. This is very important as it allows the calves to grow rapidly so that they can escape from predators and harassing insects, and keep up with the herd as it migrates to the winter range. In summary, it is the special conditions of the calving grounds which improve the survival of calves and ultimately the entire herd.
21. What might happen if development occurred on a caribou calving area? Top
This is a very interesting question, and one of much concern. Caribou calving grounds are special areas which are essential to survival of the young, and ultimately the health of the entire herd.
Pregnant caribou, and females with young calves, are especially sensitive to disturbances such as the presence of humans, vehicles and sounds*. This heightened sensitivity enables females to avoid predators, which improves the chances of their young surviving. Studies show that caribou move away from disturbances during the calving season. This could prevent caribou from using valuable areas of a calving ground, and result in increased mortality of young by predators. It can also prevent mothers from getting the most nutritious food, which in turn can lead to poor nutrition for them and their nursing calves. Displacement of caribou from preferred habitats can result in crowded conditions in low-quality areas, making it even harder for caribou to get proper nutrition. If normal growth and nutrition are reduced on the calving grounds, caribou will enter the winter without the fat reserves they need for survival, and females may not be able to produce calves the following spring.
These events contribute to reduced productivity and increased mortality, which ultimately results in decline of the caribou population.
22. How many caribou are at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? Top
There are two caribou herds that use the Arctic Refuge; all 123,000 animals of the Porcupine Caribou herd, and about 19,000 animals (60%) of the Central Arctic herd. The caribou live in the Refuge, and in neighboring lands in the U.S. and Canada. The Arctic Refuge is about 200 miles north to south, and about 200 miles east to west (it's almost the same size as South Carolina). This remote area remains pretty much as it has been since glaciers covered North America. Because it is so wild, half of the Refuge has been designated as a Wilderness Area,the largest in all the National Wildlife Refuges.
National Wildlife Refuges belong to all Americans, and their purposes are to protect wildlife and habitats, and provide opportunities for people to enjoy these areas now and in the future.
More general information on ANWR is available at: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
We would like to thank the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for the above information.
Backcountry Safaris
P.O. Box 1397 Seward, Alaska USA 99664
1-907-205-5900 • Fax 1-907-205-5902
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