Denali National Park, Alaska
Visitor Transportation Recommendations
Backcountry Safaris offers these transportation recommendations to help you plan your visit to Denali National Park, Alaska.
Detail Information and Schedules
Anchorage - Denali Bus
Seward - Denali Bus
Alaska Railroad Denali Star Train
Anchorage to Denali Park • Seward to Denali Park • Fairbanks to Denali
The Alaska Railroad and bus are the most popular means of transportation to Denali National Park. Most visitor to Denali National Park prefer to take the bus one direction and the train the other. Both follow a different route and offer separate attractions and different scenic views. The train is a must do and offers the best wilderness scenery and if the weather is cooperating some great views of the south side of Mt. Denali (Mt. McKinley).
Driving to Denali has the advantage of some flexibility but once you get to Denali you'll find a car is not really needed. All the hotels and tours offer shuttle van services making it pretty easy to get around Denali area without a car. To help plan your drive we recommend that you print out the mile-by-mile guide of the Parks Highway available on the Bell's Alaska Web site. Anchorage is at Mile 0. Denali National Park Entrance is at Mile 237.3 and Fairbanks is at Mile 358. Driving from Anchorage to Denali is 237 miles and you should allow 5 hours driving time. Driving from Fairbanks to Denali is 120 miles and you should allow 3 hours driving time.
Traveling by air is another option if your time is very limited. You can charter a small Alaska bush plane to or from Denali Park. This option is not for someone on a tight budget, but if your time in Alaska is limited this is an option you may want to consider. Gives us a call or drop us an email and we would be happy to discuss this option with you. The cost of the charter is for the plane and not seat-fare and is best for small groups to keep the overall cost down.
Charter van and bus option. Backcountry Safaris also offers 1 day and multi-day group charter bus and van service. We take care of all the details and planning and can include lodging and tours with a charter package. Call or email to request a quote for a charter bus or van tour.
Our Most Popular Denali National Park Tour Packages
3 to 5 Day All Inclusive Denali National Park Tour
Denali Park Tour and Kenai Fjords National Park Sea Kayaking Tour
Between Anchorage and Denali National Park |
There are 3 options available between Anchorage and Denali National Park. By bus, the Anchorage Denali Bus has 2 departure times, morning and afternoon, and the 3rd option by train.
Detail information and schedules: Anchorage Denali Bus • Denali Star Train
The morning northbound bus Anchorage to Denali departs Anchorage at 7:00 AM and arrives in Denali at 12:30 PM. This bus arrives at the park entrance in Denali in time to connect with the Denali lodge buses heading to Denali Backcountry Lodge, Kantishna Roadhouse Lodge, and the Camp Denali Lodge in Kantishna at the end of the park road.
The afternoon northbound bus, Anchorage to Denali, departs Anchorage at 3:00 PM and arrives in Denali at 9:00 PM.
Two southbound buses depart daily from Denali Park to Anchorage. The morning bus departs Denali Park at 7:00 AM and arrives in Anchorage at 1:30 PM. The afternoon bus departs Denali Park at 2:00 PM and arrives in Anchorage at 7:45 PM
The 3rd travel option is the Alaska Railroads Denali Star Train. If you're not on a tight budget the GoldStar first-class dome car upgrade is well worth the money. The GoldStar Dome car offers unobstructed views of Alaska spectacular scenery.
The northbound train Anchorage to Denali Park Denali Star Train departs Anchorage at 8:15 AM and arrives in Denali at 3:45 PM. The southbound train, Denali Park to Anchorage departs, departs Denali at 12:25 PM and arrives Anchorage at 8:00 PM.
Between Seward and Denali National Park |
The Denali Seward Bus is the only daily transportation option available between Seward and Denali National Park with a single days travel time. Other transportation options require 2 days travel time.
Detail information and schedules: Seward Denali Bus
This is best cruise ship passenger option for a pre or post cruise tour of Denali National Park.
This is a 365-mile bus trip between Denali and Anchorage and Seward. Northbound bus departs Seward at 10:30 AM and arrives in Denali at 9:00 PM. The southbound bus departs Denali at 7:00 AM and arrives in Seward at 5:45 PM. There is about a 1 1/2 hour lunch break in Anchorage.
Between Fairbanks and Denali National Park |
The most reliable option between Fairbanks and Denali National Park is on the Alaska Railroad's Denali Start Train.
Detail information and schedules: Seward Denali Bus
The southbound train from Fairbanks to Denali Park departs Fairbanks at 8:15 AM and arrives Denali at 12:15 PM. The northbound train from Denali Park to Fairbanks departs Denali at 3:55 PM arrives Fairbanks at 8:00 PM.
If you have any additional questions please feel free to call or email us anytime.
Backcountry Safaris
P.O. Box 1397 Seward, Alaska USA 99664
1-907-205-5900 • Fax 1-907-205-5902
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